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iWIN’s First Webinar on Leadership, Innovation, and Support on 6.27.20

Thank you to everyone who attended iWIN’s first webinar on Leadership, Innovation, and Support featuring leaders in Intensive & Critical Care Medicine from around the world!

If you missed the live airing of the webinar, you can view it on iWIN’s
YouTube Channel, or view the individual videos below.

We received many great questions and comments during the webinar, but due to time constraints were unable to address all of them. Therefore, the panelists will be responding to your questions and comments from the webinar and we will update this page with their written responses.

iWIN’s 6.27.20 Webinar on Leadership, Innovation, and Support in the COVID-19 Era

Opening Statement by Dr. Francesca Rubulotta
Dr. Alison Fox-Robichaud’s Lecture “Leading During Crisis”
Dr. Paolo Pelosi’s Lecture “Gender Leadership in Anesthesiology & Critical Care”
Dr. Lluís Blanch’s Innovation Lecture “COVID-19 An Opportunity for Accelerating Innovation”
Dr. Hana Nobleza sharing stories of women who have made contributions in the spheres of leadership, innovation, and support which were submitted by our iWIN webinar viewers
Dr. Geeta Mehta’s Lecture on Support “10 Tips to Support Women in Academia”
Dr. Deepak Sharma’s Lecture on Support “Celebrating Exceptional Leaders & Mentoring the Next Generation: The WINNER (Women in Neuroanesthesiology & Neuroscience Education & Research) Program”

iWIN appreciates the support of our sponsoring organizations:

Special thanks to our Moderators: Dr. Aarti Sarwal, Dr. Irene Bellini, and Dr. Janice Zimmerman.






This webinar was made possible through the technical support of Dr. Aarti Sarwal, Dr. Hana Nobleza, and Dr. Marin Darsie.







To see our speaker’s bios, please visit the webinar’s detailed look.

If you are interested in joining the iWIN organization, please use our Contact Us page.

Follow us on Twitter @iWIN_2020.

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